Sunday, 27 July 2008

Update on Montignac

So it's been nearly two months now since I started trying to get rid of my beer belly. The last time I blogged about it, I was rather frustrated by a lack of progress.

But progress there is now! I just got on the scale and I am now 83.1 kg, that's 5.3 kg less than when I started. I can now tighten my belt further and indeed some of my trousers are now feeling a wee bit too large. 5.3 kg lost in 2 months is not amazing but there were a few parties during that time for which I made exceptions and I didn't really have to go out of my way. In fact, that's what's very good with the method: it's easy to follow and sustainable.

Saturday, 26 July 2008

Parameterised Testing with JUnit 4

Anybody who's ever written software more complex than the typical Hello, World! examples knows that software without bugs doesn't exist and that it needs to be tested. Most people who have ever done testing on programs written in the Java language have come across JUnit. Now, JUnit is a very small package. In fact, when you look at the number of classes provided you'd think it doesn't do anything useful. But don't be fooled, in this small amount of code lies extreme power and flexibility. Even more so since JUnit 4 that makes full use of the power of annotations, introduced in Java 5.0.

Typically, when using JUnit 3, you'd create one test case class per class you want to test and one test method per method you want to test. The problem is, as soon as your method takes a parameter, it is likely that you will want to test your method with a variety of values for this parameter: normal and invalid values as well as border conditions. In the old days, you had two ways to do it:

  • Test the same method with several different parameters in a single test: it works but all your tests with different values are bundled into a single test when it comes to output. And if you have 100 error conditions and it fails on the second one, you don't know whether any of the remaining 98 work.
  • Create one method per parameter variation you want to try: you can then report each test condition individually but it can be difficult to tell when they are related to the same method. And it requires a stupid amount of extra code.

There must be a better way to do this. And JUnit 4 has the answer: parameterised tests. So how does it work? Let's take a real life example. I've been playing with the new script package in Java 6.0 to create a basic Forth language interpreter in Java. So far, I can do the four basic arithmetic operations and print stuff off the stack. That sort of code is the ideal candidate for parameterised testing as I'd want to test my eval method with a number of different scripts without having to write one single method for each test script. So, the JUnit test class I started from looked something like this:

<some more imports go here...>

import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.Test;

public class JForthScriptEngineTest {

 public void setUp() throws Exception {
  jforthEngineFactory = new JForthScriptEngineFactory();
  jforthEngine = jforthEngineFactory.getScriptEngine();

 public void tearDown() throws Exception {
  jforthEngine = null;
  jforthEngineFactory = null;

 public void testEvalReaderScriptContext() throws ScriptException {
  // context
  String script = "2 3 + .";
  String expectedResult = "5 ";
  ScriptContext context = new SimpleScriptContext();
  StringWriter out = new StringWriter();
  // script
  StringReader in = new StringReader(script);
  Object r = jforthEngine.eval(in, context);
  assertEquals("Unexpected script output", expectedResult,

 public void testGetFactory() {
  ScriptEngine engine = new JForthScriptEngine();
  ScriptEngineFactory factory = engine.getFactory();
  assertEquals(JForthScriptEngineFactory.class, factory.getClass());

 private ScriptEngine jforthEngine;
 private ScriptEngineFactory jforthEngineFactory;

My testEvalReaderScriptContext method was exactly the sort of things that should be parameterised. The solution was to extract that method from this test class and create a new parameterised test class:

<some more imports go here...>

import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;

public class ParameterizedJForthScriptEngineTest {
 public static Collection<String[]> data() {
  return Arrays.asList(new String[][] {
    { "2 3 + .", "5 " },
    { "2 3 * .", "6 " }
 public ParameterizedJForthScriptEngineTest(
   String script, String expectedResult) {
  this.script = script;
  this.expectedResult = expectedResult;

 public void setUp() throws Exception {
  jforthEngineFactory = new JForthScriptEngineFactory();
  jforthEngine = jforthEngineFactory.getScriptEngine();

 public void tearDown() throws Exception {
  jforthEngine = null;
  jforthEngineFactory = null;

 public void testEvalReaderScriptContext() throws ScriptException {
  // context
  ScriptContext context = new SimpleScriptContext();
  StringWriter out = new StringWriter();
  // script
  StringReader in = new StringReader(script);
  Object r = jforthEngine.eval(in, context);
  assertEquals("Unexpected script output", expectedResult,

 private String script;
 private String expectedResult;

 private ScriptEngine jforthEngine;
 private ScriptEngineFactory jforthEngineFactory;

The annotation before the class declaration tells it to run with a custom runner, in this case, the Parameterized one. Then the @Parameters annotation tells the runner what method will return a collection of parameters that can then be passed to the constructor in sequence. In my case, each entry in the collection is an array with two String values which is what the constructor takes. If I want to add more test conditions, I can just add more values in that collection. Of course, you could also write the data() method so that it reads from a set of files rather than hard code the test conditions and then you will reach testing nirvana: complete separation between tested code, testing code and test data!

So there you have it again: size doesn't matter, it's what you put in your code that does. JUnit is a very small package that packs enormous power. Use it early, use it often. It even makes testing fun! Did I just say that?


I added the ability to produce compiled scripts in my Forth engine today, in addition to straight evaluation. I added a new test method in ParameterizedJForthScriptEngineTest and all parameterised tests are now run through both methods without having to do anything. What's better, I can immediately see what test data work in one case but not the other.

Thursday, 17 July 2008

Getting One Back on Traffic Wardens

I was in France last week and heard this story on the radio. Apparently, a woman who was appearing in court for a large number of parking offences walked out free and escaped a fine because the law doesn't actually say that you have to prominently display the parking slip given by the meter. Therefore you can't prove that she hadn't paid the parking fee.

Monday, 7 July 2008

Peekaboo Nightmare, PIE to the Rescue

I've been working on the web site of a charity during my spare time for the past few months. Last night, I finally got round to uploading a prototype of a few of the revamped pages. Today I got an email from them saying in essence that they liked the prototype but there were a few quirks. The penny dropped immediately: I had been developing the prototype on my Mac and testing with Firefox, they were looking at it with IE on Windows. So I fired up IE on my work laptop and, lo and behold: my prototype was complete rubbish!

Having assessed the extent of the damage, I wrote back saying I'd work on it but if they downloaded Firefox they could see what it was meant to look like.

So when I got home, I started work on making it presentable in IE. It all took quite a lot of effort and swearing but I got there eventually. So here is what it took:

  • The first problem was with clearing floats: IE doesn't like it when the clearing element is empty. Luckily, Position is Everything came to the rescue with this handy article on clearing.
  • Then it appears that, IE on Windows has another spec violation that causes all boxes to expand and enclose all content, regardless of any stated dimensions that may be smaller, which is incidentally one of the features the above article on clearing relies on. So, if I wanted to hide my clearing elements, not only did I need to set their height to zero but their font-size too. Maybe the best way will be to properly implement the self-clearing method explained in that same article.
  • And of course, with all those floats all over the place, I had to come across the peekaboo bug! Luckily, a few strategically placed width properties sorted it but only after a healthy bit of swearing.

Moral of the story: if you ever come across IE bugs and want to keep sane while resolving them, head for PIE before attempting any modification of your code. I used to know this, I just got reminded tonight.